
 Cell Phone Radiation

Understanding Cell Phone Radiation: Effects and Protective Measures

As of 2023, there were over 310 million smartphone users in the United States, which is why cell phone safety is a very timely subject. Do phones give off radiation? Understanding cell phone radiat...

18 sources of radiation in your house

Did you know there are up to 18 radiation sources in your house? It's true. So, if you're worried about radiation's effects on you and your loved ones... I believe you should be aware of those 18 ...

EMF Exposure

EMF Exposure: Assessing Risks and Implementing Safety Measures

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us. They come from smartphones and Wi-Fi routers. Over 4.88 billion people use smartphones worldwide. That's more than 60.42% of the population. This me...

This is why we ignore the FCC's radiation standards

Would you trust a doctor who hasn't kept up with the latest medical advancements in 28 years? Sounds like a crazy question, right? After all, doctors are expected to be up to date with everything ...